


I have a wonderful opportunity to teach weekly art to a group of students. These ponds were done at the request of a teacher to go with their grade levels pond unit.

These students get art with me for about 30 minutes each week. I started by telling the kindergartners about Monet and his water lily paintings. They created theirs using oil pastel and water soluble markers which they painted with water.


The next week, we made the green backgrounds. We talked about texture. I gave them green, yellow, and blue paint, forks, and my infamous paint daubers (sponges clipped to a clothespin).

texture greenyellow-texture.jpg

The week after that, they cut the ponds into a “pond shape” and glued them on the background and added cattails and dragonflies.

adding-the-pond.jpgpond2pondpond frog butyterfly

The last week, we added butterflies and frogs. I think they came out just stunning and will be great for their open house celebration.

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